Jan 18, 2013


In the chilly wisps of dusk
When you came to bid me goodbye
Instead of the other way round
And kept whispering cheerful nothings
While I stared at the ground
And grew more agitated, thinking
Of the words yet to be spoken
Of hugs yet to be shared
Of kisses yet to be stolen
Of smiles yet to be flashed
Of eateries I wanted to take you to
Of the things I wanted for you to buy
Of the grounds we had to stroll on
And the million other things we had to try
And not noticing that home was nearing
I didn’t hold your hand when I still could have
And kept asking you to turn back and go
When only you by my side I wanted to have
And at the time of parting
As you drew me in your embrace
When I actually wanted to melt
I instead put up a stone facade
But Love, had I not been foolish enough
To be angry at you having to go away
I would have held you tighter still
And for longer than I did that day.


  1. Wow! Reading this is like living in that very moment. You've jotted it down so beautifully!! :)

    1. Thanks Madhuresh :) And welcome to this blog :)

  2. Anonymous16 July, 2013

    This is so real, so splendid. ^_^

    1. Means a lot coming from u :D what's up on your blog??
