Jun 15, 2020

It Tolls for Me

Though we do not know each other, we are yet connected. The struggles of one tug at the other, the injustices on one human pain us all. The tears of one become our collective sorrow. We do not know why it is so, but we know it to be true. And when the light of one life goes out, I feel a little bit of me dying too.

No man is an island,
entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were,
as well as if a manor of thy friend's
or of thine own were.
Any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know
for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee.

- John Tonne